Melchior M.
Bit a' this, bit a' that.
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Welcome to Melchior M. 
Home      Game Creating
Game Creation
Surely, making a game seems like alot of hard work and effort, and it is.
BUT, fear not, there are hundreds of tools available to make it a bit easier for you, And most are even FREE!
Here's a small list of the programs I use to make games with:
Game Type 
2D Fighting Games 
FPS Creator 
3D First Person Shooters 
The Game Creators 
3D Games 
The Game Creators 
see above 
RPG Maker 
2D Role Playing Games 
Game Maker 
2D games(3D is possible)
Mark Overmars 
2D game 

Now, these are just the ones I use. There are loads more. Most however, are specified for only one type of game, like side-scrollers or Point-And-Clicks.
There are also of course, textgames. Games with solely text and here and there a picture. These are somewhat difficult to make, and your best option would be a computer scripting language like VBS or C+. There ARE programs made specfically for this purpose, but my experience with them is not so good.
For RPG Maker, I have written a handfull of tutorials over at MUGEN free For All.
I will put them on my website one day, but for the time being, go here: Tutorial Index(external link)
Well, Since I make games, you're probably wondering where you can download some of my games.
Well, unfortunately I have to inform you that I have not yet found the dicipline to create a full game. I do have some demo's on my PC here and there, you can check those out here:
Made Using 
Awesome Watermelon
Space Adventure 
One Level
Game Maker 
2D Side-scrolling
You command a watermelon spaceship and you travel
along the dark depths of space for no appearant reason.
Use arrow keys to move, use space bar to shoot. 
9.25 MB 
Awesome Watermelon
Space Journey
Done I guess 
Game Maker 
2D Side-scrolling
Similar to above. Was a prototype, but this one is actually
more enjoyable IMHO. 
4.23 MB 
Pretty Much Done 

Game Maker 

You are the green block that follows your mouse.
Evade all the other blocks and get the high score. 
2.20 MB 
Super Awesome Monster
Bunny Hopping Adventure 
Pretty Much Done 
Game Maker 
You are a stickman.
Use the arrow keys to move, use the space bar to jump,
use CTRL shoot, avoid the green balls.
last man standing wins.
3.57 MB 
©Melchior M. Philips. 1994 - 2010