Melchior M.
Bit a' this, bit a' that.
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Welcome to Melchior M. 
Home      Acting
Ever since I was a little boy, Acting had always intrigued me.
I take various acting lessons on school, after school and on summer camps.
Here are the latest plays I have played in(from newest to oldest):
Name Play 
Directed By 
Time is Running Out 
(Trip to England)
Ogle Derekvie, Childhood Friend #2,
Random Odds and Ends.
June 21st - June 23rd, 2010 
This was an awesome experience I will always treasure.
Met quite a few awesome people and had alot of fun!
Het Beest(The Beast,
based on Lord of the Flies)
Nelleke Verweij
Jochem de Rooij
Bas (Based on Ralph) 
the 12th and 13th of June, 2010.
The original person who had the role of ralph abdicated halway there, so I was
the one who took over the role, showing alot of courage, according to my peers.
Thomas Olsthorn
Dad, Stepmom, Photographer 
9th and 10th of May, and the 12th of June, 2009 
From all the cast members, I recieved a compliment from a proffesional critic
Don't Worry, be Hippie 
Hippie #2 
Somewhere in August, 2008 
...At least I got to smoke pot during the entire musical-thing.
Op Schiphol(At Schiphol) 
Old Man 
16th of June, 2008 
I remember being in a fight and destroying the set while doing so.
The Timemachine(or whatever) 
Old Professor 
Somewhere in August, 2007 
I was supposed to pretend I hit my head while falling, but I didn't pretend.
©Melchior M. Philips. 1994 - 2010