by Melchior M. Philips


===== 1. Introduction ===== [INT55b]

I, Melchior M. Philips, have completed the game and now I'm bored, so I have decided to write this walktrough for
anyone who needs it.
This Walkthrough is only to be hosted at for the time being.
If you want to host this walktrough at you site, or if you have comments and/or additions to my walktrough, Please
E-mail me at:
Thank you.

===== 2. Version History ===== [VRH78u]

- 25/07/09 -- Started the Walkthrough.
- 26/07/09 -- Finished the walkthrough up to the battle with Diamond Ice.
- 27/07/09 -- Created and Finished the Noise Form section. also started the Battle Card List and Virus List Sections.
- 28/07/09 -- Added some Battle Cards and worked on the Walktrough a bit.

===== 3. Walkthrough ===== [WLK72r]

---- 3a. Rocket to Space ---- [RTS34a]

The game starts with a shitload of cutscenes.
anyway, what's REALLY happening is that Geo's at school, and he gets His Mobile Terminal's OS upgraded to Hunter VG.
While that happens, Omega-Xis gets a shitload of data shoved up his... I mean, down his throat.
afterwards, you have to give yourself a cool codename. this ONLY shows up when battling friends and going online, but blah, just do it already.
afterwards you get tons of boring tutorials about crap you probably already, or do not want to know.
when you regain control of Geo, go to the roof.
WHen you're at the roof, wait for a stupid cutscene, then go to
the first floor snackshop. When you try to leave, the Science club will try to launch a mini-rocket. but then, all of sudden, the sprinklers start to go like WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. go into the Sprinklers' CC.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #1: ENTERING CC's. How does one enter a CC? Trans in(you can do it everywhere by pressing R) walk up to the wavehole in front of the mutated tennisracket next to the chickens(the lower-left of the roof), then walk up to the little path near the Sprinkler that says "ACCESS". then click the little pop-up that shows up.

up next there are three groups of virusses you'll have to go buck wild on for tutorial purposes.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #2: SELECTING BATTLE CARDS. You can only select Battle card that are lined up vertically of horizontically. Battle card with the same name can also be selected together.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #3: LOCKING ON. press down on the +Ctrl Pad to ready lock on mode. If a virus moves in front or diagonally in front of you, you are locked on to this virus. Locking on in usefull(if not, neccissary) for using Sword-type cards.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #4: COUNTERING AND BONUS CARDS. When you attack a virus right when it was about to attack, it'll catch them off-guard, and you'll also recieve a bonus card for doing so. Very usefull for most Boss Battles.

- LongSwrd 80 - Lower Right, near the exit.

As you might have noticed while battling, YOU HAVE 100 HP AND STUPID BATTLECHIPS AGAIN!!!
yes, you have to re-collect these ONCE AGAIN. -_- *sigh*

'LIL NOTE: sometimes you can see viruses in the real world whilst wearing your visualizer. if you Trans in and talk to them, you can fight them. have fun!

After getting a mail, leave the Sprinkler CC and talk to woody. everything should be fine now. Go to the 1st floor snackshop to meet up with prez. in a cutscene, you'll notice that almost EVERYONE has a battle wizard like you. ah well, at least they're not as powerfull.
go to the snackshop and talk with prez. she's angry, blahblahblah.
she'll explain Brother Bands to you, but just select no. I'll do it for you.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #5: BROTHER BANDS. stupid bands for stuipid people like geo and his friends. a proof of... friendship? whatever. you want to get alot of these things in order to get... LINK POWAAAAAAH! Link Power is awesome when equipping abilities. You'll find out later.

Thanks to the OS update, you have NO Brotherbands... well that sucks... Prez will be your first brother, and you get a link power of 60. yay.
talk to Bud and Zack for more link power. now you should have a link power of 180.
afterwards, you'll form a team and set a Purpose, which is really gay, but it'll haunt you troughout the entire game, so live with it.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #6: TEAMS. teams are formed by groups of people who have the same purpose. appearantly, no one can accomplish something without doing this. you group and purpose will change MANY times troughout the game. live with it.

After "LUNA 4 PREZ" is formed, go look for people who need help.
there's some kind of fag near the entrance. he's not important yet, ignore him.
anyway, go to the roof and talk to the two 'lil kiddies looking at the tree. in the cutscene, it shall be explained that the tree is a real wave.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #7: REAL WAVES. Realwaves are waves that show up IRL. people use them for everything.

anywho, those kiddies are emo, so help 'em out. go to the teacher on the 2nd floor. Then go trans into the Mothspecimen CC which is located in the Science Club Room(the door behind you). unfortunately, you'll have to use the the mutated tennisracket near the snackshop on the first floor, then use the magical stargate to go upwards (the Stargate is located North-West of where you trans in. follow the stairs upwards).

-- Moth Display CC --
- GravtyPlus - Upper Right Blue Mystery Data.

Talk to the Grey Mutated Mr. Hertz and the problem is solved.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #8: DEFAULT CARDS. ...sorry, I have NO IDEA. I have never used it. you don't need it. ignore it.

Go back to the Teacher, talk, go to the roof, talk to boys, watch cutscene.
go to the first floor, someone appearantly needs your help. talk to the little girl next to the mutated tennisracket.
Go to Echo Ridge Park(walk outside the school, it's on the lower part of Echo Ridge) and talk to the girl there.
there's trouble in the wave world! trans in using the mutated tennisracket next to your house. the purple Mr. Hertz is a Merchant Hertz.

-- Merchant Hertz #1 --
- HPmem20 - 1000/2000/4000 Z
- SmEnrgy - 100 Z
- LrgEnrgy - 200 Z
- Unlocker - 4000 Z

I really Recommend that you go buck wild on some virusses and get some Z's to buy those HPmem20's. YOU NEED THEM!
Follow the waveroad upwards and around the corner. a Mr. Hertz is being attacked by a virus! go buck wild on it and you should be done. Notice that there's a MetennaG popping up. the G indicated that the Virus is huge, and slightly more powerfull.
go back to the first floor snack shop and talk to the little girl. a cutscene happens.
go to the science club room on the second floor. talk to woody(the guy with the lab coat). he wants a GigaEnergCard.
after the cutscene, go to the entrace to see the fag from before. this time however, he IS important. and he will be troughout the story... yippie... ¬_¬
turns out his name is Ace. He knows everything about you because he works for the Satella Police, which you're not supposed to know yet. he blackmails you into going to spicamall. so go.
Go home and go to sleep. your house is the one next to the mutated tennisrachter and the blue roof.

The next day, go to the Wave Liner(stand in front of the red machine near the river) and look at the cutscene.
follow the road and shit happens. after a cutscene, trans in using the mutated tennisracket. got to the nearest ACCESS path there is.

-- Security Sys CC --
- Attack+10 - upper right from the pink Mrs.Hertz
- Attack+10 - upper left from the fat pink Mr.Hertz
- Invisible - upper right from the Grey Mr.Hertz

follow the Blue paths and talk to the big pink Mr.Hertz that kinda looks like BubbaSparx. Problem Solved.
Trans out, talk to Prez, go to the Spica Mall Event Area(it's to the right).
Cutscene, Shit Happens, go buck wild on any crazy looking Wizards with a swords for an arm.
After going buck wild, go back to prez in the mall event area.
Now that you have Woody's GigaEnrgCard, go to Woody. talk to him. your Team name and purpose change.
they're going to launch A FRIGGIN ROCKET! how old are they? 10? SERIOUSLY. anyway, you have to wait untill tomorrow, so go get some sleep.
Whilst Sleeping, a cuscene happens. it appears that magnes is screwed.

THE NEXT DAY got to the roof of the school, Prez, Bud, Zack, Woody and Woody's henchmen are waiting for you! after the cutscene, trans into the Rocket's CC. While going there, be sure to pick up the GrassStage Battle chip. it's inside of the blue mystery data. When in the Rocket's CC, Magnes' 'lil bro' is there to help you a bit. when you stand upon a C button, Magnes' brother wil change your polrization. Blue = Negative, Red = Positive. keep in mind that different poles attract, and similar poles repulse. alternatively, you can look at the direction the 'lil boxes are flowing, to make it EVEN EASIER. I'm not gonna tell you how to get there, it's too easy. jus' be headin' Left/Up.

-- Rocket CC1 --
- Ivisible - near the wavehole to CC2
- Ivisible - Near the other Invisble, to the right.

TIP:Against those annoying electric virusses, use Divide Line.

-- Rocket CC1 --
- HPmem10 - to the far north(blue Mystery Data)
- MadVulcn1 - to the South-East of the HPmem10
- LrgEnrgy - to the North-East of the MadVulcn1

Before Battling your first Boss battle against Spade magnes, you might want to re-arrange some Battle chips and/or use ans item to heal you. SVAE!! When you're all set to go buck wild, walk up to Spade Magnes to trigger a BATTLE!

HP: 500
Rockets - 10 - Unblockable
Psycho Crusher - 25 - Unblockable
Wavehole attack - 20 - Blockable
Use cannon like attacks. When he uses his Wavehole attack, press Y to block.
When he's plunging into you use a sword(preferably LongSword) battle card.
evade the rocket continuously.
shouldn't be too hard.

After going buck wild, Magnes is fine. rocket gets launched, everyone is happy.

---- 3b. Stage Fright ---- [STF94h]

The next day, go to school. when you're about to set foot outside, Woody calls you and gives you the Power-Up Abilty "HP+50/120". you should equip it. the 120 indicates the amount of Link power it uses.

GAMEPLAY NOTE #9: POWER-UP ABILITIES. These are abilties that you can equip Omega-Xis with. they take up a certain amount of your Link power in order to be equipped.

Continue your trip to school to see... IT IS CLOSED! WOOHOO! NO SCHOOL! YAAAAAY!
...that's what a normal person would think. NO. instead, Geo has to find out how to open the damn gates >_>
appearantly, the scary teacher from before is sick. Go to where Prez lives.. his room number is "202", so enter that when getting a Pop-Up.
Because he's sick and lazy, he gives you the pop-up. now go ahead and open the school... gah...
go to your class on the 2nd floor. Talk to your desk for a LrgEnrgy. talk to everyone. there's a new student is class: Zack. and also a new teacher: Tia. Zack turns out to be a total fuck-nut and pisses off everyone. but, instead of being angry, Geo decides to find him...
anyway, Zack has fled to Echo Ridge park. go talk to him. the 'lil bitch turns a wizard into an out-of-control Wizard, so it's BATTLE TIME!
after a very simple battle, guess who shows up? SONIA STRUMM! ^_^ OMFG I LOVE SONIA!!!!
and so does EVERYONE in Echo Ridge. so get yo ass to the school roof.
There's a HPmem10 in the School Gate CC. I recommend you to get it.
You might run across SpadMagnesV2 whilst walking on the Wave Road. if this happens, you're screwed most of the time.
anyway, go to the 1st floor hall Waveroad, go to the Science Club Room the same way you did before, go upwards, and you should be at the roof. go on the real roof to meet up with sonia. Sonia invites evryone over to WBGstudios the next day. so go get some sleep. YOU'RE GONNA BE ON TV! ^_^
if shit doesn't happen... that is.

The next day, PREZ is late. you heard me, she's late. PREZ! OH MY GOSH! MAYBE SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPNED AND WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!
just kidding. nothing terrible is happening to prez... yet...
anyway, prez shows up with some kind of... green bunny in a hat wizard? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT IS THAT?
anyway, you head to WBG studios, walk up to the door to realize that YOU AREN'T GETTING IN!
Prez is being angry, Jack is being emo, Bud is being stupid and Zack is being CAPTAAAAAAIN OBVIOUS!
use the mutated tennisracket(south-west) to pulse in and go to sonia's changing room...
haha, oh wow. her changing room? well, since she's in there she's changing right? that means something funny right?
well, apart from "eek!" nothing happens. That's because it's the most normal thing for a guy to walk into a girl's dressing room unannounced. the last time I tried that my cheek hurt for like a week. I still miss that tooth.
ANYWAY, you have the studio passes now. go back, show them to the door, and you're good to go.
go up to the Event Stage and talk to the giant Real Wave Projector. Lee shows up. blablabla. go back to the street with trees to get shot.
I mean, shot as in, using a camera, you know? JUST GO THERE!
OH NOES! the lighting wizard is missing. FIND HIM! how? I dunno. ask the make-up wizard? go to sonia's dressing room. talk to Mrs. Pinky Tails, and then trans in.
go to the GIGANOURMOUS screen, and access the cyber core. the Blue Mystery data along the way has a "HP+50/120" Power-up Abilty in it.
Whilst in the CC, keep heading North-West untill you encounter a blue wizard. talk to him and problem solved.

-- Monitor CC --
- Recover50 - Near the Lighting Wizard
- D.Enrgy - Where the Mr.Hertz is at, go South-West.

Trans out, head back to sonia.
Go to prez and the gang(in the room North of Sonia's Dressing Room). Talk to someone. Cutscene. Go back to Sonia.
The camera's are rolling, Sonia and belle are acting. wow, Geo must be nervous. Where did Jack go anyway? oh look at that, he's on top of the WBGStudios Building.
Does the guy have some sort of rooftop fetish? He's always on top of a building. Anyway, He throws a card on bud. Oh look! TaurusFire! I haven't seen you in a long ti-

=== MINI-BOSS BATTLE: Taurus Fire ===
HP: 600
Taurus Rush - 20 - Unblockable
Taurus Punch - 25 - Unblockable
Taurus Flame - 10 - Blockable
You need a strategy? evade his attacks and hit him with whatever. he's an easy boss.

Taurus becomes Bud's Wizard, and Megaman is way cooler than Sonia, so they air that instead.
head back to Lee. talk. change your team and purpose. see if anything bad is happening in the studio.
And yes, there is. Bud should be in the Room next to Sonia's. talk to the guy. use Sonia's tennisracket to trans in, and go to the CC of the cabinet.
Walk down, then up, you should see a wizard stuck in a peice of ice. Taurus will help you get him out of the ice. Trans out.
You'll recieve a mail from Lee, so get yo butt over to the stage projector which is... Frozen solid? haha, oh wow.
Touch Taurus, He'll unfreeze the projector for you.
Go outside. Read Lee's mail. Talk to the front gate security wizard. Go inside the Stunt Car's CC.
Go down and then right to find another wizard frozen taurus. go back and this time go left for some neat items.
-- Stunt Car CC --
- FlashStrk1 - on the big plateau(Green Mystery Data)
- AreaEtrS/5(Abilty) - on the Other side(Purple Mystery Data, Requires Unlocker)
- 1200 Z - top right(Blue Mystery Data)

Go to Sonia's Dressing room. it appears to be icey in there(which is strange, I actually expected it to be rather hot. heheheh...).
go to the door and use Taurus.
Go back to Lee, Sonia's about to preform.
Have a look at Sonia's preformance for a bit, untill it starts to freeze, that is.
Enter the Stage CC. But before you do, head back towards the building. There's a merchant hertz with HPmem's for you. You can't miss him.

-- Merchant Hertz #2 --
- HPmem20 - 2000/3000/5000 Z
- SmEnrgy - 100 Z
- LrgEnrgy - 200 Z
- Cloaker - 500 Z

go back and enter the CC. You'll get an explaination on how to get through. just walk, and when you're feeling chilly,you're screwed.

-- Event Stage CC1 --
- IceStage - to the lower right(BMD)
- DivideLine - North-West of the previous Item(GMD)
- +V-Shot/90 - North-East from the Wavehole to CC2, behind a block of ice.(BMD)
- WideWave - North-West from the previous item(GMD)

-- Event Stage CC2 --
- HP+50/120 - South-West from the second Plateau(GMD)
- AirSpread2 - Surrounded by Ice(BMD)
- 340 Z - Along the way to the next item(GMD)
- 1500 Z - On Dark Ice(BMD)

-- Event Stage CC3 --
- BuzzSaw1 - All the way down south(GMD)
- HP+50/110 - Within Ice(BMD)
- HPmem20 - Within Ice aswell, near the boss(BMD)

Walk up to Diamond Ice to start a cutscene and initiate battle.

=== BOSS BATTLE #2: Diamond Ice ===
HP: 700
Ice Rush - 20 - Blockable
Ice Slash - 20 - Blockable
Ice Hammer - 40 - Unblockable
SnowStorm - ? - Blockable
Block whenever she attacks. when she wierlds a hammer, RUN FOREST RUN!
Attack her with Fire-Elemental cards. Sword attacks are fine too.
With cannon chips the huge chuncks of Ice are usually in the way

After going Buck wild on her, lots of Crimson is realeased and collected by the Evil Duo.
Go back to the stage and listen to Sonia's song. You are forced to listen to "Shooting Star". You can't skip it. DEAL WITH IT! (...ok you can...)
You'll be promted to save your game.


---- 3a. Say hello to Alohaha ---- [SHA04t]

This is my favourite chapter. it's fun.

you'll see some kind of creepy cuscene with some kind of creepy guy.
afterwards, another cutscene initiates. it'll explain the kiddies from Geo's class are on a fieldtrip to Alohaha(haha, get it? Aloha-ha? ...I didn't think it was funny either.)
afterwards, you'll see ANOTHER cutscene, in which Geo talks to A.C. Eos about... Noise!

GAMEPLAY NOTE #10: NOISE. Noise is emitted by EM wave Technology. When too much Noise comes too close to an EM being(such as a Wizard), it might be deleted. Often, Noise clusters up to form... well, Noise clusters, called Crimson. Noise might also form Noise Waves, which are kinda like CC's, but then spooky, dark, filled with power noise, and you have to find the exit rather than just transing out. be carefull kiddies!

Anyway, Ace gives you the "JokrPrgm"(I believe you get the AcePrgm in Black Ace then?), with it you can control Noise. it's highly illegal, powerfull and terrible but some random kid is allowed to have it. wow.
he also gives you SP Key 1. with it you can access the Astro wave.
Trans in, use the Mutated Tennisracket to trans into the Echo Ridge wave world. follow the path going up and left. in the Blue Mystery Data is a WindyAtk1.
on the Astro Wave(there's a HPmem for you somehwere BTW), keep going North-West, then enter Natl. Astro Wave2.
There's an Merchant Hertz here.

-- Merchant Hertz #3 --
- GreatAxe - 18000 Z
- BeastSlap2 - 3000 Z
- PanicCloud - 2700 Z
- TimeBomb1 - 5200 Z
- ParlyzPlus - 1200 Z

The GreatAxe and TimeBomb1 Battle Chips are worth buying. Trust me. and if you don't Trsut me, check out the Battle Chip List section.

-- Natl. Astro Wave2 --
- 570 Z - All the way North-West(GMD)
- PlusCannon - North-East from the Wavehole to Alohaha(BMD)
- DiagLock/5 - North-East from the Merchant Hertz(BMD)
- HeatUppr1 - North-East from the Previous Item(GMD)
- HP+200/290 - The Purple Mystery Data

Anyway, you want to keep going South-West untill you reach a wavehole with a Palmtree. Then you have arrived at your destination: Alohaha(...which still isn't funny)
When in Alohaha, Follow the Path down, then use the Blue transport wave thingy, then go towards the Mutated Tennisracket.
A cutscene will trigger. After the cutscene, go see Strong(the Wizard) in Alohaha Castle. He's not there. Talk to the Blue wizard in his place.
Go to bud, he's angry because he's not getting any food. get into the Food Stand's CC.

-- Food Stand CC --
- Invisible - follow the path North-West from the beginning(BMD)
- HPmem10 - Get there using the Blue EM wave transporter(BMD)

Talk to the Mr. Hertz all the way down south. problem solved. go back to bud(note that instead of walking back, you can save time by pressing R twice). Talk to bud, and you get a mail that the Beach is open now. go to the beach(south-west), walk down, and you should get a series of funny and sexy cutscenes. Afterwards, talk to sonia(she should be in front of the bridge/pier thing).
Anyway, head back to the Mutated Tennisracket(in the water, all the way north-west) and go to the Stone wall CC. you'll have to use the blue EM Wave Transporter Road to go across the Stone wall, and enter the CC from behind, which is mean when you're looking for it 'n all.
Within the CC, you'll find Strong. He's battling Virusses. after the cutscene you'll have to fight three Viruis fights simultaneously. Note that they have Giant Virusses. You'll get another cutscene.
Talk to everyone. You'll get two cutscenes, one with Zack trying to swim, and another one where they come to acknowledge that their stuff has been stolen. LOL. And since Strong has magical stolen stuff retrieving powers, go to him in Alohaha Castle.
According to Strong, Bandit wizards stole. They're on the wave road. so trans in and walk around.
The bandit wizard with Zack's Pants is hovering above the way towards Alohaha beach.
The bandit with the other three items is above the middle of Alohaha Beach ocean. Follow the Wave road, go right at the Dragon Statue, then take the first exit left. The Green Mstery Data holds 500 Zennys. I suggest you save here first, before the cutscene, so that you can see all three possible outcomes coming up.
You'll get a cutscene, followed by a battle, followed by a cutscene.
Basically, You have just enough time to save only one item. which YOU have to select.
Here's what happens in each of the three scenario's:
1. If you select Sonia's Bag, Prez will go emo and stuff herself, whilst Geo and Sonia are standing on the pier making out.
2. If you select Prez' Handkerchief, Sonia will go emo and stuff herself, whilst Geo and Prez are standing on the pier making out.
3. If you select Bud's Shirt, both Sonia and Prez will go emo(and lesbi- I mean feminist), whilst Geo and Bud are.... EWWWW!!!! OH GOD EWW THAT'S JUST...
nah just kidding, they're just talking about stuff.
Anyway, whichever one you select, it doesn't really affect anything in-game, it'll just give you a funny cutscene.
Watch cutscenes, go to Alohaha Castle. You'll get another cutscene, and appearantly, Strong got... Stronger.
oh shi-
Go to the Mutated Tennisracket in Alohaha, the way to the castle shouldn't be too hard to find. Walk along and enter Enviro Sys CC1.

-- Enviro Sys CC1 --
- HPmem10 - The first green sidepath on your left-hand side(BMD)
- 520 Z - The first green sidepath on your right-hand side(take the upper path)(GMD)
- WindyAtk1 - North-East from the end of the wooden path(BMD)
- 400 Z - South-East from the end of the wooden path(GMD_

-- Enviro Sys CC2 --
- HPmem20 - The first green sidepath on your right-hand side(GMD)
- 450 Z - The green path parrallel to the second wooden Path(GMD)
- 420 Z - The first green sidepath on your right-hand side after the first wooden path(GMD)
- Whistle - The first green sidepath on your left-hand side after the first wooden path(BMD)

-- Enviro Sys CC3 --
- +WoodPnl/220 - The first green sidepath on your left-hand side(BMD)
- 600 Z - The green sidepath right in front of the wooden path(GMD)
- 540 Z - The first green sidepath on your left-hand side after the wooden path(take the lower path)(GMD)
- Quick Ring - The green sidepath on your right-hand side in front of Club Strong(BMD)

NOTE: Wood Virusses(Including Club Strong) recover their HP on Grass panels. be sure to have at least one panel changing chip handy.

When encountering roads made out of wood, RUN FOREST RUN! and when encountering a crack, time your A-button pressing right.
If you fall down, you'll end up in Enviro Sys Abyss. basically you'll have to loof for the exit, and then try again.
On the second wooden path in Enviro Sys CC2, Take the path going down!
On the Wooden Path in Enviro Sys CC3, Take the most upper road the first time, and the second time aswell! you want to go North-East!
After surviving 4 dangerous wooden paths, follow the blue path to encounter Club Strong.
Take some Energies, Fill your folder with Fire cards, Save, and get ready for battle.

=== BOSS BATTLE #3: Club Strong ===
HP: 1000
Club Spikes - 20 - Blockable
Club Hammer - 50 - Unblockable
Club Hurricane - 40 - Unblockable
Club Coconut - 20+10+10 - Unblockable
He shouldn't be TOO hard. I mean, his attacks are easy to avoid.
You need a strategy? use fire cards. TimeBomb1/2/3 is higly advised. TaurusFire is also usefull.

After going Buck Wild(it's annoying when you've seen Ice Age 3, it'll remind your of Buck the entire time) Strong is back to normal. you'll realize Jack and Tia are behind the out-of-control wizards. Then Joker comes along, kills Strong with one blow, and then leaves.

So you have defeated the boss. Chapter over?
not a chance.
Well, maybe it IS usefull to split it up into another chapter...
ok fine, new chapter.

---- 3d. Say Goodbye to Alohaha ---- [JKC10p]

What? don't you dare mock my awesome chapter-naming skills! NON-BELIVERS SHALL BE ANNIHILATED!

Anyway, the crimson was going towards the beach. you should probably go there. You'll witness Tia collecting crimson. Tia and Jack will admit they work work Mr. King. You'll be introduced to their Wizards: Virgo and Corvus.

Jack will EM Wave Change, and you'll battle him.
I'm not gonna write a Boss Battle section, since all ya gotta do is drop his health below 1000. He's too strong for you right now, or something.
Joker will come bashing along, ruining the party, blablabla.
Then, Prez appears! oh wow, she's wandering into a place with three of your most feared enemies. I wonder what happens...
Joker thinks it's a good idea to blow her up just like he did with strong, but Geo protects her. then this happens:

...That's more or less why this is my favourite chapter.
Anyway, Luna got blown up and is just like strong divided into... 5 pieces.
Ms. Tia asks the meaning of this operation upon which Joker replies:

And thus, Prez is gone.... like, gone gone.
So, everyone is emo 'n all, boohoo.
Because of all the emo, i couldn't stand watching the cutscene, so I dunno what happens.
anyway, you want to look for Mr. Boreal. Your mom is psychic and/or follows his every move, so she knows where he is.
Go home, talk to mom, appearantly Mr. Boreal is at Alohaha castle for no appearant reason.
Go there, talk to him.

Strong!? lol.

===== 4. Battle Card List ===== [BTC02l]

ID Name Class Damage Description Element Picture
001 Cannon Standard 40 Atk Knocks 1
enemy back 1
pnl if hits
002 PlusCannon Standard 100 Atk Knocks 1
enemy back 1
pnl if hits
003 HevyCannon Standard 160 Atk Knocks 1
enemy back 1
pnl if hits
004 ImpctCanon Standard 240 cannon atk
spreads dmg
to adj pnls
005 PlasmaGun Standard 30 Atk and
1 enemy
006 PlasmaGunX Standard 120 Atk & prlyz
1 enemy for
a long time
007 AirSpread1 Standard 10 3-shot atk.
Spreads dmg
in V ptrn
Normal, Air
008 AirSpread2 Standard 20 3-shot atk.
Spreads dmg
in X ptrn
Normal, Air
009 AirSpread3 Standard 30 3-shot atk.
Spreads dmg
to adj pnls
Normal, Air
010 AirSpreadX Standard 50 3-shot atk.
Spreads dmg
to adj pnls
Normal, Air
011 MadVulcn1 Standard 10 5-shot Vlcn
atk also
ignites rear
012 MadVulcn2 Standard 10 8-shot Vlcn
atk also
ignites rear
013 MadVulcn3 Standard 10 12-shot Vlcn
atk also
ignites rear
014 MadVulcnX Standard 10 15-shot Vlcn
atk also
ignites rear
015 BlackInk Standard 90 blinding atk
spreads dmg
to adj pnls
016 GreenInk Standard 90 if hit emy,
adj pnls trn
into grass
017 BlueInk Standard 110 if hit emy,
adj pnls trn
into Ice
018 PurpleInk Standard 130 if hit emy,
adj pnls trn
into poison
019 MiniGrnade Standard 10 lob a 6-shot
grenade at
your enemy
020 HeatGrnade Standard 120 lob a 9-pnl
fire grenade
at enemy
021 WoodGrnade Standard 100 Grenade that
turns 9 pnls
into grass
022 IceGrnade Standard 100 Grenade that
turns 9 pnls
into ice
023 BigGrnade Standard 60 3-hit atk
dmgs all adj
pnls if hits
024 Sword Standard 80 Cuts emy in
frnt of you
Normal, Sword
025 WideSword Standard 80 Cuts enmies
in row in
frnt of you
Normal, Sword
026 LongSword Standard 80 Cuts emy in
frnt of you.
Rnge:2 pnls
Normal, Sword
027 Bushido1 Standard 110 Selct w/same
card makes
swrd strongr
Normal, Sword
028 Bushido2 Standard 140 Selct w/same
card makes
swrd strongr
Normal, Sword
029 Bushido3 Standard 170 Selct w/same
card makes
swrd strongr
Normal, Sword
030 BushidoX Standard 200 Selct w/same
card makes
swrd strongr
Normal, Sword
031 ElecSlash Standard 150 Elec swrd
cut 'n prlyz
amy in row
Elec, Sword
032 WoodSlash Standard 180 Wood swrd
cuts emy in
row in frnt
Grass, Sword
033 FireSlash Standard 200 Fire swrd
cuts emy in
row in frnt
Fire, Sword
034 BreakSabre Standard 200 Diag saber
atk. Cuts
thru shield
Normal, Sword, Metal
035 BreakSabrX Standard 250 Diag saber
atk. Cuts
thru shield
Normal, Sword, Metal
036 GreatAxe Standard 140 Swing Wood
ax thru 3x2
Grass, Sword
037 FlameAxe Standard 200 Swing giant
fire ax thru
3x2 sqrs
Fire, Sword
038 GiantAxe Standard 320 Swing Guard-
busting ax
thru 3x2 pnl
Normal, Sword, Metal
039 Muramasa Standard ??? Sword Atk is
as strong as
you are weak
Normal, Sword, Metal
040 SwrdFghtr1 Standard 50 Mad 3-slash
Normal, Sword
041 SwrdFghtr2 Standard 50 Mad 4-slash
Normal, Sword
042 SwrdFghtr3 Standard 50 Mad 5-slash
Normal, Sword
043 SwrdFghtrX Standard 60 Mad 5-slash
Normal, Sword
044 WindyAtk1 Standard 90 Knock emy in
frnt all the
way back
Normal, Air
045 WindyAtk2 Standard 120 Knock emy in
frnt all the
way back
Normal, Air
046 WindyAtk3 Standard 150 Knock emy in
frnt all the
way back
Normal, Air
047 WindyAtkX Standard 180 Knock emy in
frnt all the
way back
Normal, Air
048 SyncHook1 Standard 100 Lft hook all
of the same
type of emy
049 SyncHook2 Standard 130 Lft hook all
of the same
type of emy
050 SyncHook3 Standard 150 Lft hook all
of the same
type of emy
051 SyncHookX Standard 180 Lft hook all
of the same
type of emy
052 StunKnukle Standard 130 Punch and
Paralyze emy
in front
053 PoisKnukle Standard 150 Punch and HP
bug emy in
frnt of you
054 FrezKnukle Standard 180 Punch and
freez emy in
frnt of you
055 DstryUpper Standard 140 In match,
uprcut nulls
5 body abils
Normal, Metal

===== 5. Noise Wave List ===== [NSW38y]

To Come Soon.

===== 6. Noise Form List ===== [NSF82w]

NOTE: Noise Forms are aquired when you get a WARNING pop-up. When you get your Noise Level high enough and win, you might get a new Noise Form.
On rare occasion, Noise Forms from the other game might be obtained. Not sure how big(or small) the chance really is, but it's possible.

Red Joker
Name Benefits Information Power-Up Abilities Picture Logo
Taurus Noise Fire cards do +50 Damage Fire Element
Weak to Aqua Attacks
Charge Shot = Heat Cannon
NFB = Atomic Blazer
Super Armour/700
Wolf Noise Sword cards do +30 Damage
Wood cards do +10 Damage
Wood element
Weak to Fire attacks
Charge Shot = Shock Claw
NFB = Elemental Cyclone
Quick Gauge/300
Cygnus Noise Wind cards do +30 Damage
Elementless cards do +10 Damage
Weak to Sword cards
Charge Shot = Feather Vulcan
NFB = Meteorite Barrage
Charge Sever/50
Float Shoes/150
CrownNoise Electric cards do +20 damage
Elementless cards Gain a Blind effect
Increased Chance of recieving Mega/Giga cards
Electric element
Weak to Wood attacks
Charge Shot = Plasma Shot
NFB = Thunder Bolt Blade
Mega Class+1/200
Virgo Noise Aqua cards do +30 damage Aqua element
Immune to Freeze and Bubble attacks
Weak to Electric attacks
Charge Shot = Aqua Wave
NFB = Dyna Wave
Charge Ice/50
Freeze Body/600

Black Ace
Name Benefits Information Power-Up Abilities Picture Logo
Ophiuchus Noise Wood cards do +20 Damage
Elementless cards gain Confuse effect.
Wood element
Weak to Fire attacks
Immune to Blind and Confuse effects
Charge Shot = Wood Shot
NFB = Elemental Cyclone
Charge Wood/50
Flash Body/200
Cancer Noise Aqua cards do +30 Damage
Aqua cards gain Bubble effect
Aqua element
Weak to Elec attacks
Charge Shot = Bubble Shot
NFB = Dyna Wave
Charge Cross/45
Bubble Body/600
Libra Noise Fire cards do +10 Damage
Aqua cards do +10 Damage
Elementless cards heal 5% of your max. HP
Weak to Breaking attacks
Charge Shot = Side Spread
NFB = Meteorite Barrage
Charge Spread/100
Gemini Noise Tag System*
Electric cards do +30 Damage
Sword cards gain Paralyze effect
Electric element
Weak to Wood attacks
Charge Shot = Rocket Knuckle
NFB = Thunder Bolt Blade
Charge Paralyze/70
Paralyze Body/600
Corvus Noise Fire cards do +30 Damage Fire element
Weak to Aqua attacks
Immune to HP Bugs, Poison Panels, and Gravity effects
Charge Shot = Shocking Flare
NFB = Atomic Blazer
Air Shoes/200
Gravity Body/300

Final Noise Forms
Name Benefits Information Picture
Red Joker Super Armour
Status Guard
Buster MAX
No Charge Shot
No element or weakness
Locked-On cards have double damage
NFB = Red Gaia Eraser
Black Ace Airshoes and Floatshoes
Auto Lock-On
Quick Gauge
Buster MAX
No Charge Shot
No element or weakness
Locked-On cards have double damage
NFB = Black End Galaxy

Rouge/Burai Noise
The Rogue Noise Change is unique as it can be obtained in both games. However, the player must not have any other real-life Brothers to get this Noise, and so this Noise cannot perform Multi-Noise. Rogue Noise also cannot be held by the Noised Wizard as a reserve Noise Change.
Name Benefits Information Power-Up Abilities Picture Logo
Rogue/Burai Noise Mu Barrier that regenerates after a few steps.
(Break type attacks will destroy the barrier permanently)
Sword cards do +50 Damage
Cancels all BrotherBands with other real-life players
No element or weakness
Immune to Lock-On (including Auto Lock-On)
Non-dimming, elementless cards gain short-lasting Paralyze effect
Charge Shot remains unchanged but has doubled attack strength
First Aura/400

* = Tag System: select 2 Battle Cards in your folder by pressing Y twice - they will show up in the Custom Menu with each other when drawn

===== 7. Virus List ===== [VRL39o]

Name Health Attack
Metenna 40 10
MetennaG 80 20
BaseMortar 60 15

===== 8. W.E. Data List ===== [WEQ62s]

Soon to be made.

===== 9. Boss Battle List ===== [BSB47j]

Soon to be made.

===== 10. Credits ===== [CDS28b]

ReploidOf20XX for the Battle Card Sprites and the Noise Form Logo's
The Megaman Knowledge Base( for help the Noise Form Section
Joey for forcing me to play this game
You for actually reading this

If you have spotted anything faulty or have addittions or questions, please E-mail at so that I can fix/add/answer it.
Thank you.