ID | Name | Class | Damage | Description | Element | Picture |
001 | Cannon | Standard | 40 | Atk Knocks 1 enemy back 1 pnl if hits |
Normal | |
002 | PlusCannon | Standard | 100 | Atk Knocks 1 enemy back 1 pnl if hits |
Normal | |
003 | HevyCannon | Standard | 160 | Atk Knocks 1 enemy back 1 pnl if hits |
Normal | |
004 | ImpctCanon | Standard | 240 | cannon atk spreads dmg to adj pnls |
Normal | |
005 | PlasmaGun | Standard | 30 | Atk and paralyze 1 enemy |
Electricity | |
006 | PlasmaGunX | Standard | 120 | Atk & prlyz 1 enemy for a long time |
Electricity | |
007 | AirSpread1 | Standard | 10 | 3-shot atk. Spreads dmg in V ptrn |
Normal, Air | |
008 | AirSpread2 | Standard | 20 | 3-shot atk. Spreads dmg in X ptrn |
Normal, Air | |
009 | AirSpread3 | Standard | 30 | 3-shot atk. Spreads dmg to adj pnls |
Normal, Air | |
010 | AirSpreadX | Standard | 50 | 3-shot atk. Spreads dmg to adj pnls |
Normal, Air | |
011 | MadVulcn1 | Standard | 10 | 5-shot Vlcn atk also ignites rear |
Normal | |
012 | MadVulcn2 | Standard | 10 | 8-shot Vlcn atk also ignites rear |
Normal | |
013 | MadVulcn3 | Standard | 10 | 12-shot Vlcn atk also ignites rear |
Normal | |
014 | MadVulcnX | Standard | 10 | 15-shot Vlcn atk also ignites rear |
Normal | |
015 | BlackInk | Standard | 90 | blinding atk spreads dmg to adj pnls |
Normal | |
016 | GreenInk | Standard | 90 | if hit emy, adj pnls trn into grass |
Grass | |
017 | BlueInk | Standard | 110 | if hit emy, adj pnls trn into Ice |
Water | |
018 | PurpleInk | Standard | 130 | if hit emy, adj pnls trn into poison |
Normal | |
019 | MiniGrnade | Standard | 10 | lob a 6-shot grenade at your enemy |
Normal | |
020 | HeatGrnade | Standard | 120 | lob a 9-pnl fire grenade at enemy |
Fire | |
021 | WoodGrnade | Standard | 100 | Grenade that turns 9 pnls into grass |
Grass | |
022 | IceGrnade | Standard | 100 | Grenade that turns 9 pnls into ice |
Water | |
023 | BigGrnade | Standard | 60 | 3-hit atk dmgs all adj pnls if hits |
Normal | |
024 | Sword | Standard | 80 | Cuts emy in frnt of you |
Normal, Sword | |
025 | WideSword | Standard | 80 | Cuts enmies in row in frnt of you |
Normal, Sword | |
026 | LongSword | Standard | 80 | Cuts emy in frnt of you. Rnge:2 pnls |
Normal, Sword | |
027 | Bushido1 | Standard | 110 | Selct w/same card makes swrd strongr |
Normal, Sword | |
028 | Bushido2 | Standard | 140 | Selct w/same card makes swrd strongr |
Normal, Sword | |
029 | Bushido3 | Standard | 170 | Selct w/same card makes swrd strongr |
Normal, Sword | |
030 | BushidoX | Standard | 200 | Selct w/same card makes swrd strongr |
Normal, Sword | |
031 | ElecSlash | Standard | 150 | Elec swrd cut 'n prlyz amy in row |
Elec, Sword | |
032 | WoodSlash | Standard | 180 | Wood swrd cuts emy in row in frnt |
Grass, Sword | |
033 | FireSlash | Standard | 200 | Fire swrd cuts emy in row in frnt |
Fire, Sword | |
034 | BreakSabre | Standard | 200 | Diag saber atk. Cuts thru shield |
Normal, Sword, Metal | |
035 | BreakSabrX | Standard | 250 | Diag saber atk. Cuts thru shield |
Normal, Sword, Metal | |
036 | GreatAxe | Standard | 140 | Swing Wood ax thru 3x2 pnls |
Grass, Sword | |
037 | FlameAxe | Standard | 200 | Swing giant fire ax thru 3x2 sqrs |
Fire, Sword | |
038 | GiantAxe | Standard | 320 | Swing Guard- busting ax thru 3x2 pnl |
Normal, Sword, Metal | |
039 | Muramasa | Standard | ??? | Sword Atk is as strong as you are weak |
Normal, Sword, Metal | |
040 | SwrdFghtr1 | Standard | 50 | Mad 3-slash sword attack |
Normal, Sword | |
041 | SwrdFghtr2 | Standard | 50 | Mad 4-slash sword attack |
Normal, Sword | |
042 | SwrdFghtr3 | Standard | 50 | Mad 5-slash sword attack |
Normal, Sword | |
043 | SwrdFghtrX | Standard | 60 | Mad 5-slash sword attack |
Normal, Sword | |
044 | WindyAtk1 | Standard | 90 | Knock emy in frnt all the way back |
Normal, Air | |
045 | WindyAtk2 | Standard | 120 | Knock emy in frnt all the way back |
Normal, Air | |
046 | WindyAtk3 | Standard | 150 | Knock emy in frnt all the way back |
Normal, Air | |
047 | WindyAtkX | Standard | 180 | Knock emy in frnt all the way back |
Normal, Air | |
048 | SyncHook1 | Standard | 100 | Lft hook all of the same type of emy |
Normal | |
049 | SyncHook2 | Standard | 130 | Lft hook all of the same type of emy |
Normal | |
050 | SyncHook3 | Standard | 150 | Lft hook all of the same type of emy |
Normal | |
051 | SyncHookX | Standard | 180 | Lft hook all of the same type of emy |
Normal | |
052 | StunKnukle | Standard | 130 | Punch and Paralyze emy in front |
Electric | |
053 | PoisKnukle | Standard | 150 | Punch and HP bug emy in frnt of you |
Normal | |
054 | FrezKnukle | Standard | 180 | Punch and freez emy in frnt of you |
Aqua | |
055 | DstryUpper | Standard | 140 | In match, uprcut nulls 5 body abils |
Normal, Metal |
Name | Benefits | Information | Power-Up Abilities | Picture | Logo |
Taurus Noise | Fire cards do +50 Damage | Fire Element Weak to Aqua Attacks Charge Shot = Heat Cannon NFB = Atomic Blazer |
Super Armour/700 | ||
Wolf Noise | Sword cards do +30 Damage Wood cards do +10 Damage |
Wood element Weak to Fire attacks Charge Shot = Shock Claw NFB = Elemental Cyclone |
Quick Gauge/300 | ||
Cygnus Noise | Wind cards do +30 Damage Elementless cards do +10 Damage |
Elementless Weak to Sword cards Charge Shot = Feather Vulcan NFB = Meteorite Barrage |
Charge Sever/50 Float Shoes/150 |
CrownNoise | Electric cards do +20 damage Elementless cards Gain a Blind effect Increased Chance of recieving Mega/Giga cards |
Electric element Weak to Wood attacks Charge Shot = Plasma Shot NFB = Thunder Bolt Blade |
Mega Class+1/200 | ||
Virgo Noise | Aqua cards do +30 damage | Aqua element Immune to Freeze and Bubble attacks Weak to Electric attacks Charge Shot = Aqua Wave NFB = Dyna Wave |
Charge Ice/50 Freeze Body/600 |
Name | Benefits | Information | Power-Up Abilities | Picture | Logo |
Ophiuchus Noise | Wood cards do +20 Damage Elementless cards gain Confuse effect. |
Wood element Weak to Fire attacks Immune to Blind and Confuse effects Charge Shot = Wood Shot NFB = Elemental Cyclone |
Charge Wood/50 Flash Body/200 |
Cancer Noise | Aqua cards do +30 Damage Aqua cards gain Bubble effect |
Aqua element Weak to Elec attacks Charge Shot = Bubble Shot NFB = Dyna Wave |
Charge Cross/45 Bubble Body/600 |
Libra Noise | Fire cards do +10 Damage Aqua cards do +10 Damage Elementless cards heal 5% of your max. HP |
Elementless Weak to Breaking attacks Charge Shot = Side Spread NFB = Meteorite Barrage |
Charge Spread/100 HP+500/350 |
Gemini Noise | Tag System* Electric cards do +30 Damage Sword cards gain Paralyze effect |
Electric element Weak to Wood attacks Charge Shot = Rocket Knuckle NFB = Thunder Bolt Blade |
Charge Paralyze/70 Paralyze Body/600 |
Corvus Noise | Fire cards do +30 Damage | Fire element Weak to Aqua attacks Immune to HP Bugs, Poison Panels, and Gravity effects Charge Shot = Shocking Flare NFB = Atomic Blazer |
Air Shoes/200 Gravity Body/300 |
Name | Benefits | Information | Picture |
Red Joker | Super Armour Status Guard |
Buster MAX No Charge Shot No element or weakness Locked-On cards have double damage NFB = Red Gaia Eraser |
Black Ace | Airshoes and Floatshoes Auto Lock-On Quick Gauge |
Buster MAX No Charge Shot No element or weakness Locked-On cards have double damage NFB = Black End Galaxy |
Name | Benefits | Information | Power-Up Abilities | Picture | Logo |
Rogue/Burai Noise | Mu Barrier that regenerates after a few steps. (Break type attacks will destroy the barrier permanently) Sword cards do +50 Damage |
Cancels all BrotherBands with other real-life players No element or weakness Immune to Lock-On (including Auto Lock-On) Non-dimming, elementless cards gain short-lasting Paralyze effect Charge Shot remains unchanged but has doubled attack strength No NFB |
Reflect/50 First Aura/400 |
Name | Health | Attack |
Metenna | 40 | 10 |
MetennaG | 80 | 20 |
BaseMortar | 60 | 15 |